Working in the creative field, whether it’s Comics or Visual Effects, there are often times where I get a creative block or overload.  Working 40-70 hours a week and getting home and working an additional 20 hours or so a week on the comic, there’s not much time to unwind, release, and open my mind for new ideas.

Before I got my job I would go to coffee in the mornings with my Dad and we’d talk, read, and relax.  During this time I’d also come up with comic ideas and stories.  I feel like I had so many ideas during morning coffee because there was no pressure to make something.  No forcing it.

There were days where I accomplished nothing besides having a drink and a conversation with my Dad, but there were also days where a half dozen ideas came pouring forth and my pen raced the entire time. I feel like lack of pressure cultivates creativity, that is as long as you have the internal fire under your ass to actually do something and not hang out and watch the day go by.  Now I’m working so much I think I could use a couple lazy days to recharge.

Soon enough…soon enough.
